Monday, 29 July 2013

Tips and Tricks

  1. objects can be linked together by using the 'link' command in the top menu of the viewport
  2. exact materials can be selected by clicking on the eye dropper icon and clicking on a material
  3. to move the camera up and down hold down the middle mouse and drag
  4. multiple materials can be selected by holding down 'Ctrl'
  5. use the search box located top right next to the roll-up bar to hide specific entities
  6. cry engine has a ruler tool that can be used to measure distance
  7. bin64 of cry engine works faster and doesn’t use as much memory as bin32
  8. the speed of the camera can be adjusted at the bottom of the view-port, near the X, Y, Z axis
  9. X, Y, Z coordinates can be used to find and go to an exact location in the engine
  10. you can save your viewport position (X, Y, Z coordinates) by clicking 'Ctrl + F1'

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